A Good Day at the Office
A good day at the office seemed like a good title for this section. My customers like to share their good days with me and so I am in turn sharing them with you

My morning email, a simple “310 yds, never ran 10 feet” A Browning X-Bolt in 7mm-08 REM with Hornady Precision Hunter ELD-X 150 gr. Swarovski Z3 optics. Set up, chronographed, sighted in @ 200yds.

Custom Rifle
Good morning Dan. Hope all
Is well with you. Just wanted to pass on a few pictures of me and the
rifle you set up for me.
Started practicing early this year to gain confidence with my rifle
system. Confirmed zero at 100 and moved as far as 500 yards. Did not
miss once on a 10 inch gong. What a tac driver. Thanks for the great
set up as always. I will keep you posted when I get out to 1000.
Is well with you. Just wanted to pass on a few pictures of me and the
rifle you set up for me.
Started practicing early this year to gain confidence with my rifle
system. Confirmed zero at 100 and moved as far as 500 yards. Did not
miss once on a 10 inch gong. What a tac driver. Thanks for the great
set up as always. I will keep you posted when I get out to 1000.

Dear Hillbilly Arms,
It’s been 5 years since I had my Savage 30.06 serviced by your company along with my Leupold scope mounted and sighted in.
Over the last 10 days I have been quadding through some of the most beautiful yet rough terrain in Alberta, with my rifle on the quad rack in front of me. Although worried this might create some stress or possibly jar my firearm enough to knock it out of “True” sight it all came together last night and I have no doubt your quality precision craftsmanship played a major role.
Thank you for your work

Big Sheep
“Hi Dan, just wanted to let you know that your sighting in did the trick!!!”
Sako M85 in 270 WSM. Zeroed @ 200 yds, chronographed.

And yet another successful trip! This time he used his TC in 6.5 CM.

Nice Shot
Browning Hell’s Canyon, 7mm RM, Leupold VX-3i 4.5-14 X 40mm. 450 yds, one shot, DRT.

Northern Moose
Northern Moose, sure loves his new rifle and scope package. Epic moose!!

“Thanks again for the awesome work on my rifle.
I was able to make a perfect shot on a bull elk at 220 yards on opening day. I am looking forward to the next rifle project!
I was able to make a perfect shot on a bull elk at 220 yards on opening day. I am looking forward to the next rifle project!

Daddy's Girl
Richards Wildcat Stock, Apache Gold Laminate. Glass/Pillar Bedded. EGW base, TPS rings, Leupold Scope. 30-06 SPR.

Big Guy, Big Rack
TC single shot 300 WM Leupold VX-3 on Leupold mounts. That’s a big big man behind that monster rack!!

1st Deer
MK-V Weatherby Accumark 257 WBY. Customized Leupold 4.5-14 X 40 LR fine duplex custom CDS dial on Leupold STD Ext rings for slight built lady hunter 375 yds.

Ladder 49
“Hey Dan. Got it done. 1 shot to the head. Worked like a charm as usual.”